Weaverville Volunteer Fire Department Support Services Minutes
May 3, 2017
Present: Scott, Tania, Serena, Betty, Herk, Bonnie, Larry H., Elizabeth, Terri, Briana, Lisa, Shellie
Call to order: 5:35
Approve April minutes: Serena motioned 2nd Tania
Officer’s Report:
President: The live fire went well and was lots of fun.
Treasurer-Nothing to Report
Action Items:
A: Children’s Festival: May 20, 11-3. It will be held at the softball field instead of by the cook shack. HRN will have room for the pony and the fire safe house. There will be power cords so we can have the snow cone machine. Scott will create the signs for the fire safe house so that visitors can do a self-guided safety tour.
B: Mother’s Day Roses: FF will deliver on Mother’s Day. Serena ordered 300 roses. Setup will be at 9 am.
C: Father’s Day Spaghetti Feed: This was vetoed for lack of support.
D: 4th of July: We will have the open house around 1ish after the parade. We will sell hamburgers, chips and sodas. Serena will do the flyers. The pancake breakfast will be from 9 to 11. The Lion’s club would like help on July 2nd for the family day muster.
Committee Reports
A: EMS: Things are looking good. They have requested more equipment from the district.
B: Station Maintenance: A work party for station clean up at 9:00 a.m. on June 17th. Tania will work on cleaning up the front flower bed.
C: Equipment Maintenance: All in good shape.
D: Web Technology: Website crashed but it is back up and going. We’ll ask Mike if here is a way to track hits on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.
E: Marketing: The rose ad ended up being fee since it was not what was requested. Betty delivered flyers around town.
Open Forum and topics for next meeting:
Chief Todd thanks everyone for all of their help with the live fire training at Shasta College. May 10th is the kindergarten day at the helipad @10a.m.
Serena shared the 100 year commemoration of engine 3. T-shirts and other items are available for purchase. She will check to see if credit cards are an option so we can sell the merchandise.
Topics for next meeting: 4th of July; Station Clean-up
Meeting Adjourned 6:10